Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A Rainy Spring Made for Lots of Time in the Workshop

In April, we had 22 days out of 30 that were rainy or rain mixed with snow, or just snow. As the thick sheet of ice slowly melted off all the gardens, I was lucky that some melted faster than others. I made a pack to try to keep up with the melting and clean gardens as they thawed. It was a pretty successful strategy though the wetter areas on the far side of the field are yet to let me into them as they are still flooded. Days that the rain was too heavy to go out, we spent the days in Eric's woodshop, creating things for the garden. My birthday was rainy and the pub I wanted to go to in Kennebunkport was not open until the weekend, so we spent the day starting work on this beautiful arbor to replace the one I have thought was just "too wimpy" in the rose garden area. The wood ended up costing us just under $175 and it took us about 2 full days to construct. Can't wait for the PT to season a bit so I can paint the posts!

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