For the third year we celebrated Christmas at the Lodge. I guess of all the holidays, Christmas is the one where I always believe it is magical for families to be all together. As Eric so often wisely warns, this is a pretty tall order with all the demands of today's world, but I am willing to celebrate Christmas on whatever day in the winter on which it can fall conveniently for the whole family to be together. I think this to be the perfect plan as it is inevitable that now that the little ones are coming along, each family will wish to create its own special family traditions...
just have my fingers crossed that one of them will be Christmas with Nana and Gran at the Lodge.
This year it was particularly great as it was a White Christmas, everyone was home, and the way the holidays fell, we had longer than EVER off from the print shop. Erica and Casey flew home from California and were with us until the 29th giving us time to begin the search for the perfect wedding dress. With Kat now in Portland, we were able to go spend a night with her, and we went down to Jess & Pete's for a stay as well. Ness & Drew have become another hosting spot when everyone gathers which is terrific. So, I got to see all the Christmas trees except, I thought Erica & Casey's which to my surprise, they were pine needle tolerant enough to leave up for us to see during our late January visit! We are so proud of our family, their beautiful homes and abundant creativity!